Image 9: The image 9 shows a drawing explaining the Weigert - Meyer rule. The rule is applied to the duplex renal collecting system, when complete, duplicated ureters insert separately into the bladder.
According to the rule, the ureter of the upper pole moiety obstructs. The ectopic ureter and its orifice inserts medially and inferiorly to the ureter of the lower pole moiety, and frequently ends as a ureterocele (it can also insert into the urethra, vagina, etc). The ureter of the upper pole moiety of the affected kidney is often obstructed and the corresponding renal pelvis is dilated (hydronephrosis).
The ureter coming from the lower pole moiety of the kidney refluxes and inserts laterally and superiorly to the ectopic ureter of the upper pole moiety, and reflux at its level often causes pyelonephritis.