The prognosis is difficult to generalize due to the complexity of this lesion and its associated anomalies. Patients without aortic outflow tract obstruction and with moderate restriction of pulmonary blood flow generally remain well compensated in infancy. A Rashkind atrial septostomy is required in the presence of stenosis of the posterior atrioventricular valve to relieve pulmonary venous obstruction.
Infants with unobstructed pulmonary blood flow develop symptoms of congestive failure in the first months of life.
Infants with severe obstruction to pulmonary blood flow require intervention in the neonatal period to ensure adequate pulmonary blood flow. Similarly, infants with severe obstruction to systemic blood flow, such as the first infant above, require intervention before ductal closure to insure adequate systemic blood flow. Without further surgery to separate the systemic and pulmonary circulations, individuals with double inlet left ventricle are subject to the complications of cyanosis and chronic ventricular volume overload, and survival beyond the second decade of life is rare.
Palliative procedures in early infancy include pulmonary artery banding to limit pulmonary blood flow in patients without obstruction to pulmonary blood flow, or creation of an aortopulmonary shunt to ensure pulmonary blood flow in individuals with marked pulmonary outflow tract obstruction or pulmonary atresia.
The Norwood repair, discussed later, may also be considered in the neonatal period, for those infants with systemic outflow tract obstruction.
Pulmonary artery banding
Pulmonary artery banding carries a 25-50% mortality rate1. However, functional subaortic stenosis often develops after this procedure, which Freedom reported in 4 of 31 patients5. It is believed to be caused by narrowing of the bulboventricular foramen or by concentric muscular hypertrophy of the subvalvular conus, secondary to the increased pressure gradient across the pulmonary artery6. Therefore, after placement of a pulmonary artery band, an infant must be monitored for signs and symptoms of subaortic stenosis.
Blalock-Taussig operation
The Blalock--Taussig operation is the most commonly performed shunting operation. In patients with single ventricle, surgical mortality is less than 20%1.
Fontan repair
To avoid the long term complications of cyanosis and volume overload, later surgery involves separation of the pulmonary and systemic circulations, using the modified Fontan repair. The many variations of this repair all entail the creation of anastomoses between the systemic venous return and the pulmonary arteries, allowing its passive return to the pulmonary bed. The univentricular heart then receives only the pulmonary venous return, which is pumped to the systemic circulation. In this repair, the pulmonary bed must be a low resistance circuit, free of stenoses. Ideal candidates are those with a pulmonary arterial pressure less than 20 mm Hg, pulmonary vascular resistance less than 5 mm Hg, and normal ventricular end diastolic pressure. Long-term complications include arrhythmias and low cardiac output1,7.
The Norwood procedure
The Norwood procedure is a series of surgeries correcting aortic outflow tract obstruction with eventual conversion to a modified Fontan repair8. Patients with significant obstruction to aortic outflow require relief of this obstruction in the neonatal period before closure of the patent ductus arteriosus. The initial surgery consists of reconstruction of the aortic outflow tract through anastomosis of the aorta and main pulmonary artery. The pulmonary blood flow is provided by a systemic to pulmonary artery shunt. If there is obstruction to blood flow through the posterior atrioventricular valve, an atrial septectomy may be performed. In subsequent surgeries during the first two years of life, cavopulmonary anastomoses are created, similar to those of the modified Fontan repair, again separating the circulations9.
The septation operation
Another option for treatment is the septation operation. This operation uses a Dacron patch to recreate an interventricular septum. The best outcomes are achieved in patients with double inlet left ventricle and an inverted rudimentary right ventricle. There must be no obstruction to pulmonary artery outflow, and the atrioventricular valves must be normal. There is a 50% mortality with this procedure1. It is technically difficult if a pulmonary artery banding has already been done, because of development of subaortic stenosis after pulmonary artery banding.
1. Elliott LP, Anderson RH, Bargeron LM Jr., et al: Single ventricle or univentricular heart. In: Adams FH, Emmanouilides GC, Riemenschneider TA (eds.): Heart disease in infants and children. Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins, 1989, pp 485--502.
2. Freedom RM, Smallhorn JF: Hearts with a univentricular atrioventricular connection. In Freedom RM and Benson LN (eds.): Neonatal heart disease. New York: Springer Verlag, 1992, pp 497--521.
3. Rosenberg HS, Donnelly WH: The cardiovascular system. In Wigglesworth JS, Singer DB (eds): Textbook of fetal and perinatal pathology. Cambridge, Ma: Blackwell Scientific Publications, p 716, 1991.
4. Copel JA: Congenital anomalies, Section 5: Congenital heart disease. In: Eden RD, Boehm FH (eds). Assessment and care of the fetus. E. Norwalk, CT: Appleton and Lange, 1990.
5. Freedom RM, Sondheimer H, Dische R, Rowe RD: Development of “subaortic stenosis” after pulmonary arterial banding for common ventricle. Am J Cardiol 39:78, 1977.
6. Jonas RA, Castaneda AR, Lang P: Single ventricle (single-- or double--inlet) complicated by subaortic stenosis: surgical options in infancy. Ann Thorac Surg 39:4, 1985, 361 366.
7. Peters NS, Somerville J: Arythmias after the Fontan procedure. Br Heart J 68:199--204, 1992.
8. Norwood WI, Pigott JD: Recent advances in congenital cardiac surgery. Clin Perinatol 1988; 15:713--719.
9. Norwood WI, Jr, Jacobs ML, Murphy JD: Fontan procedure for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg 1992; 54:1025--1030.
10. Allan LD: Spectrum of congenital heart disease detected echocardiographically in prenatal life. Br. Heart J 54:523--6, 1985.