Double aortic arch

Ildar Daminov, MD

Sterlitamak city, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia.


Double aortic arch is an anomaly of the aortic arch in which two aortic arches form a complete vascular ring around the trachea and esophagus that may compress them and cause severe respiratory and feeding difficulties after birth.

Case report

Following images and videos show a case of double aortic arch with the left ductus arteriosus diagnosed at 20 weeks of an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Images 1, 2: The images 1, 2 represent gray scale and color Doppler images showing the transverse scans of the thorax at the level of the three-vessel trachea view with the left ductus arteriosus and double aortic arch.

PA - pulmonary artery; LDA - left ductus arteriosus; Ao - aorta; LAo - left aortic arch of the doubled aortic arch; RAo - right aortic arch of the doubled aortic arch; SVC - superior vena cava; Tr - trachea.


Images 3, 4: The images 3, 4 show gray scale and color Doppler transverse view of the aortic arch showing the ascending aorta dividing into 2 aortic arches, left and right, encircling the trachea.

Ao - aorta; LAo - left aortic arch of the doubled aortic arch; RAo - right aortic arch of the doubled aortic arch; SVC - superior vena cava; Tr -trachea.


Images 5, 6: The image 5 represents 3D color Doppler imaging of arrangement of the pulmonary artery, left ductus arteriosus and aorta with the double arch. The image 6 shows normal four-chamber view of the heart and left descending aorta.

Ao - aorta; LAo - left aortic arch of the doubled aortic arch; RAo - right aortic arch of the doubled aortic arch; DA - descending aorta; PA - pulmonary artery; LDA - left ductus arteriosus.


Videos 1, 2, 3: The video 1 shows normal four-chamber view, ventricular outflow tracts of the heart and aorta with the double arch. Videos 2, 3 show gray scale and color Doppler videos of the three vessel-trachea view, transverse view of the left ductus arteriosus and double aortic arch. 

Videos 4, 5: The videos show 4D color Doppler and TUI imaging of arrangement of the pulmonary artery, left ductus arteriosus and double aortic arch. Note also connection between the left ductus arteriosus and the right aortic arch of the doubled aortic arch.


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