Differential diagnoses of cystic brain masses Luc Gourand, MD Article Published: Jan 13, 2004 Service de Medecine Foetale, Institut de Puericulture, 26 Boulevard Brune 75014 Paris, France These are images of cystic brain masses from other articles already published on TheFetus.net. They can be used for visual differential diagnoses: interhemispheric cyst interhemispheric cyst arachnoid cyst septo-optic dysplasia craniopharyngioma pericallosal lipoma Joubert syndrome vein of Galen, aneurysm pericallosal lipoma corpus callosum agenesis corpus callosum agenesis parietal encephalocele arachnoid cyst Joubert syndrome spina bifida parietal encephalocele pericallosal artery cavum vergae alobar holoprosencephaly schizencephaly arachnoid cyst arachnoid cyst arachnoid cyst subdural hematoma supratentorial arachnoid striatal necrosis ventriculomegaly, borderline schizencephaly unilateral cephalocele anterior colpocephaly septo-optic dysplasia ventriculomegaly vein of Galen aneurysm vein of Galen aneurysm vein of Galen aneurysm spina bifida Discussion Board Start a discussion about this article Add to Favorites Favorite