1 Les Bluets Maternité, Paris, 2 Institut de Puériculture Paris, Médecine Foetale, 3 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, Chirurgie pédiatrique
Because of its happy outcome, this new case of left-sided diaphragmatic hernia is published thanks to the baby s parents as a message of hope to other parents.
G2, P1, 30 years with no previous history. Normal scans at 13 and 24 weeks (stomach seen in the usual position).
Left diaphragmatic hernia discovered at 34 weeks on routine scan with the following findings:
The stomach, part of the small intestine and the spleen are seen in the left part of the thorax beside the heart which is displaced to the right. The left lung is visualised above the hernia. No associated anomaly. Amniotic fluid volume normal (no poyhydramnios). Normal breathing movements. Normal echocardiography. Normal karyotyope 46 XY.