Dacryocystocele, unilateral, regression, in a twin pregnancy

Albana Cerekja MD PhD*; Carlo Figliolini MD PhD**; Juan Piazze MD PhD***

*   Ultrasound Division, ASL Roma B, Rome, Italy;
**  Reparto di ostetricia e ginecologia, Ospedale Fatebenefratelli San Pietro Rome, Italy;
*** Ultrasound Division, Ceprano Hospital, Ceprano, Italy.

Case report

This was the first pregnancy of a 28-year-old patient with non-contributive personal and family history. It was a spontaneous dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy. Both fetuses were males. There were no fetal anomalies at 20 weeks scan for both twins.

At 32 weeks, a dacryocystocele measuring 7 mm was seen medial to the left orbit in one twin. At 35 weeks the cyst dimensions were reduced to 5 mm. At 38 weeks the cyst was no longer seen.

Here are some 2D and 3D images and videos of the cyst communicating with the orbit.

Images 1, 2: The images show transverse (Image 1) and parasagittal (Image 2) scans of the fetal head crossing the orbits and dacryocystocele, which is placed medially to the left orbit (measuring 6.9 mm at the Image 1).


Images 3, 4: The images show detailed transverse scan of the left orbit and dacryocystocele communicating with the orbit via a narrow canal.


Images 5, 6: 3D images of the fetal face with protruding dacryocystocele medially to the left eye (arrow).


Videos 1, 2, 3: The videos show transverse scans of the fetal head crossing the orbits and dacryocystocele which is visible medially to the left orbit.

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