Fig. 5: The normal anatomy compared to the dacryocystocele.
The lacrimal duct anlage vacuolize from the most cephalic part downwards towards the nasal end at the inferior turbinate. The canalization process creates the lacrimal duct during the third month. The junction between the lacrimal duct and the nasal epithelium may exist after six months, but is not always established by birth.
The intervening membrane (which will become the valve of Hasner after perforation) is responsible for the obstruction of the lacrimal duct, which is manifested in the newborn by epiphora. Since tears are not usually produced at birth, the obstruction is rarely symptomatic early, and by the time it could become symptomatic, the patency of the valve of Hasner is usually established.
The canaliculi perforate the eyelids on the ocular surface, and the opening is called the punctum. More distally, the canaliculi usually join before entering the lacrimal sac. The duct that results from the fusion of the canaliculi is called the sinus of Maier or common canaliculus, and it connects to the lacrimal sac at the valve of Rosenmüller.
When the sinus of Maier is absent, the superior and inferior canaliculi enter the lacrimal sac independently and at a hyperacute angle. This occurs in approximately 10% of normal infants and may predispose to kinking, creating a valve effect4.
An non patent valve of Hasner (distal lacrimal drainage system) is a prerequisite for the formation of a dacryocystocele, and may exist in up to 73% of normal term infants3.
When this valve mechanism coexists with an inpatent valve of Hasner, the stage is set for the development of a dacryocystocele: fluid that is squeezed by the blinking motion enters the lacrimal sac, but cannot exit4. The lacrimal sac can easily expand in the medial canthal region since there is no bony or tendinous structure to directly limit its expansion, and since its wall is made of a respiratory epithelium.
The origin and composition of the sac contents have been discussed for years in the ophthalmic literature. This case supports the theory that the fluid in the dacryocystocele is amniotic fluid since the tear secretion normally is not significant until 3 to 4 weeks postpartum5. However, because of the viscous nature of the sac contents, some authors have proposed that it could represent mucus produced by the intraluminal goblet cells6.
The prenatal diagnosis is made by the detection of a purely cystic mass inferomedial to the eye, with no associated anomalies. The dacryocystoceles shown in the litterature have all been smaller than the size of the globe. The extension of the cyst into the nose could potentially be demonstrated by the visualization of an enlarged lacrimal duct in the maxillary bone, and a second and smaller nasal cyst below the inferior turbinate. Similar findings have been demonstrated in newborns by CT7, 8.
The number of cases reported in the literature is small: fewer than 40 cases2, 7-14. Unfortunately, the only reference in the prenatal literature has incorrectly stated that the disorder is common2. This unfortunate error resulted from a confusion between dacryostenosis (a common anomaly, as mentioned above) and dacryocystocele (an uncommon anomaly).
Associated anomalies
No associated anomalies have been described. Consequential anomalies include an enlarged lacrimal duct in the maxilla and lacrimal bone, medial deviation of the inferior turbinate, and more rarely of the nasal septum. Rarely, the appearance of hypertelorism is produced by the extra soft tissue medial to the eye8.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnoses mentioned in the literature include frontonasal meningocele (or cephalocele), hemangioma, and dermoid cyst9, 11, 13, 17. Hemangioma and dermoid cysts are rarely purely cystic by ultrasound and should seldom be considered in the differential diagnosis. Frontonasal meningocele are associated with more severe disorganization of the face with displacement of the eye, nose or mouth. Mucoceles in cystic fibrosis have not been reported in the newborn, and they affect the paranasal sinuses16.
Congenital dacryocystocele is a benign condition. There is no predisposition to the development of a secondary facial anomaly. Once corrected, whether spontaneous, medical or surgical, the infant will have a normally functioning nasolacrimal drainage system.
Recurrence risk
The large majority of infants (71%) treated will never reaccumulate material in their lacrimal sac10. If the dacryocystocele reforms, a repeat probing is highly successful. Rarely, some infants will need a more definitive surgical procedure: dacryocystorhinostomy. The recurrence risk in subsequent pregnancies is unknown.
Clinical presentation
The infant encounters no clinical signs of epiphora (tearing) or dacryocystitis (infection). The only clinical finding is that of a bluish mass below the medial canthal tendon. Thus, the condition typically is not brought to the attention of a pediatrician or ophthalmologist. The dacryocystocele is typically sterile since colonization of the lacrimal drainage system is usually not established until the first several weeks of life. When infected, the most common bacteria isolated are Staphylococcus organisms9. Resolution-as in our case-by spontaneous opening of the distal lacrimal drainage system may occur during the first few weeks of life before bacterial colonization and significant tear production commence. This may explain why this condition is not reported more frequently.
If external digital pressure is not immediately successful, then early nasolacrimal probing with inferior turbinate outfracturing is the treatment of choice15. Dacryocystocele and dacryocystitis benefit from early probing11. This is in contrast to the usual conservative measures of warm compresses, downward massage and antibiotics used for all other neonatal lacrimal system disorders. By relieving the obstruction, atony of the sac and disruption of the medial canthal musculature and skin are prevented, preserving the lacrimal pump mechanism. Furthermore, if left unaltered, the fluid-filled sac is at a higher risk of infection, secondary scarring and permanent closure, requiring a more involved surgical "bypass†procedure termed a dacryocysto-rhinostomy.
1. Stedman"s Medical Dictionary. Baltimore, 25th Edition, Williams and Wilkins, 1990.
2. Davis WK, Mahony BS, Carroll BA, et al.: Antenatal sonographic detection of benign dacrocystoceles (lacrimal duct cysts). J Ultrasound Med 6:461-465, 1987.
3. Cassady JV: Developmental anatomy of the nasolacrimal duct. Arch Ophthalmol 47:141-158, 1952.
4. Jones LT, Wobig JL: Surgery of the Eyelids and Lacrimal System. Birmingham, AL, Aesculapius Publishing Co., 1976.
5. Viers ER: Lacrimal disorders. Diagnosis and Treatment. St. Louis, CV Mosby Co., pp.37-46, 1976.
6. Calhoun JH: Problems of the lacrimal system in children. Pediatr Clin North Am 34:1457-1465, 1987.
7. Rand PK, Ball Jr WS, Kulwin WR: Congenital nasolacrimal mucoceles: CT evaluation. Radiology 173:691-694, 1989.
8. John PR, Boldt D: Bilateral congenital lacrimal sac mucoceles with nasal extension. Pediatr Radiol 20:285-286, 1990.
9. Weinstein GS, Biglan AW, Patterson JH: Congenital lacrimal sac mucoceles. Am J Ophthalmol 94:106-110, 1982.
10. Peterson RA, Robb RM: The natural course of congenital obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 15:246, 1978.
11. Scott WE, Fabre JA, Ossoinig KC: Congenital mucocele of the lacrimal sac. Arch Ophthalmol 97:1656-1658, 1979.
12. Harris GJ, Diclementi D: Congenital dacryocystocele. Arch Ophthalmol 100: 1763-1765, 1981.
13. Boynton JR, Drucker DN: Distention of the lacrimal sac in neonates. Ophthalmic Surg 20:103-107, 1986.
14. Cibis GW, Spurney RO, Waeltermann J: Radiographic visualization of congenital lacrimal sac mucoceles. Ann Ophthalmol 18:68-69, 1978.
15. Wesley RE: Inferior turbinate fracture in the treatment of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction and congenital nasolacrimal duct anomaly. Ophthalmic Surg 16:368-371, 1985.
16. Guttenplan MD, Wetmore Rf: Paranasal sinus mucocele in cystic fibrosis. Clin Pediatr 28:429-30, 1989.
17. Esila R, Torma T, Vannas S: Unilateral orbital anterior hydrencephalocele and bilateral atresia of the lacrimal passages. Acta Ophthalmol 45:390-8, 1967.