Cytotrophoblastic cyst

Fabrice Cuillier, MD ; Lucas Houngbadji, MD.

Fabrice Cuillier1, MD ; Lucas Houngbadji2, MD.

1. Service de Gynécologie-Obstétrique, Hôpital Félix Guyon, Saint-Denis de La Réunion, France.
2. Anatomo-pathologist, 97404, Saint-Denis. 

Case report

A 22-year old healthy woman (G1P0)  was referred to us for anomaly scan.
The first scan performed at 13 weeks of gestational age was normal.
Our ultrasound examination at 23 weeks of gestation revealed an abnormal cystic tumor near the posterior placenta without hemorrhage. No other abnormalities were found.

Our differential diagnosis included: 

  • Intra-amniotic hematoma inside the subamniotic hemorrhage.

  • Chorioangioma.

  • Submucous myoma.

  • Umbilical cord cyst (which was ruled out, because the cyst was not connected to the umbilical cord).

The delivery was normal at term without any complications.
The final diagnosis was cytotrophoblastic cyst and it was confirmed postnatally.

Images 1 and 2; videos 1 and 2: 2D images show posterior placenta and cytotrophoblastic cyst.

Image 1
Image 2

Images 3 and 4:
3D images of the cyst and normal fetal profile.

Image 3
Image 4

Images 5 and 6: gross pathology images confirmed the diagnosis of cytotrophoblastic cyst.

Image 5
Image 6

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