Cytomegalovirus, periventricular cystic changes

Gustavo Malinger, MD


This is theĀ ultrasound of a 38-week fetus. The pregnancy was uneventful including triple test, 2nd trimester ultrasound and 3rd trimester ultrasound at 32 weeks. At 36 weeks the same sonographer that performed the 32 weeks ultrasound observed lateral ventricular width of 13 mm. The trans-vaginal ultrasound was performed the next day The fetal MRI failed to clearly depicted the periventricular cystic changes (they were consider as being part of the ventricular dilatation, but showed extensive frontal and occipital white matter disease consistent with leukomalacia). The patient opted for termination of pregnancy. The CMV IGM titer from the fetal blood was elevated. No clinical history of CMV, no IUGR, hepatomegaly or calcifications.

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