Figure 6: Twin A at 30 weeks. Longitudinal section. Notice the small bowel calcifications and dilated stomach bubble.
Twin B had only a small amount of ascites, normal amniotic fluid and peritoneal calcifications. The estimated fetal weight discordance was 27%. At 33 weeks gestation the discordance was 23%. Twin A had polyhydramnios and multiple loops of dilated small bowel that were initially suggestive of a double-bubble sign (duodenal atresia). Twin B no longer had ascites, but did have dilated loops of bowel and severe oligohydramnios.
Table 1: Clinical and sonographic evolution
Week | Twin A | Twin B |
13 | Normal | Ascites |
15 | Polyhydramnios | Oligohydramnios Ascites Cyst, calcifications |
Amniocentesis: | ‘FP, karyotype,TORCH:Normal |  |
22 | Oligohydramnios | Polyhydramnios Ascites Calcifications EFW: A+32% |
Paracentesis | Â | 80 ml fluid: Cystic fibrosis |
Amniocentesis | Cystic fibrosis | Â |
25 | Â | Â |
Paracentesis | Â | 60 ml |
Amniocentesis | Â | 80 ml |
28 | Normal fluid Calcifications | Normal fluid Decreased ascites Calcifications |
30 | Large stomach Calcifications | EFW: A+27% |
33 | Polyhydramnios GI obstruction | Oligohydramnios No more ascites GI Obstruction EFW: A+23% |
C-section | 1460g Jejunal atresia Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome | 1780g Bowel perforation Peritonitis |
Postnatal course
Twin A weighed 1460g with Apgars of 8 and 8. She was clinically diagnosed with duodenal atresia and underwent corrective surgery, at which time a proximal jejunal atresia was found and repaired. The intestinal atresia was felt to be secondary to the cystic fibrosis. Twin B weighed 1780g with Apgars of 8 and 9 and had radiographic confirmation of a small bowel obstruction. Conservative therapy with enemas did not relieve the obstruction. Therefore, an exploratory laparotomy was performed which revealed a bowel perforation in addition to a small bowel obstruction and signs of a long-standing peritonitis. Hematologic studies were consistent with a twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Histologic examination of the placenta revealed a diamniotic, monochorionic placentation and multiple vascular anastomoses indicative of a twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
Cystic fibrosis, an autosomal recessive disorder of abnormal mucous secretion, is the most common lethal genetic disorder in caucasians, with a carrier rate of 4%. Most of the newly diagnosed patients, however, do not have an affected relative and therefore are not known to be at risk.
Fetal gastrointestinal complications, in particular meconium ileus and meconium peritonitis, are the earliest manifestations of cystic fibrosis2. These gastrointestinal complications can be detected by ultrasound, thus suggesting the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, even in the absence of a positive family history.
In our case, twin B developed a meconium ileus early in the second trimester with subsequent perforation and development of meconium peritonitis which was observed on ultrasound at 13 weeks gestation. Meconium ileus has most often been reported in the literature as being diagnosed after 26 weeks gestation, although Papp reported a case at 15 weeks2. Meconium peritonitis secondary to cystic fibrosis has not been previously reported as early as 13 weeks3. Interestingly, twin A was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis before she developed sonographically identifiable signs of meconium ileus.
Neonates with cystic fibrosis often present with signs of a bowel obstruction.
Meconium ileus, a form of bowel obstruction caused by the abnormally thick and tenacious meconium characteristic of cystic fibrosis, occurs in 10-15% of patients with cystic fibrosis4. Conversely, almost all patients with meconium ileus have cystic fibrosis. Meconium ileus is the third most common cause of neonatal bowel obstruction, with atresia and malrotation being first and second, respectively. The meconium in cystic fibrosis patients contains less water and more protein than normal and therefore tends to become impacted in the distal ileum, resulting in a dilated ileum with a normal jejunum and an empty colon. The characteristic ultrasound findings include dilated bowel with echogenic meconium. Polyhydramnios often occurs. Due to the decreased water content, the meconium in cystic fibrosis is unusually echogenic. However, echogenic abdominal masses in fetuses prior to 20 weeks gestation may represent a normal variant in small bowel appearance5. Persistence of the echogenicities, however, is pathologic and may imply gastrointestinal pathology. It has been suggested that virtually all fetuses with cystic fibrosis develop meconium ileus with varying degrees of severity and duration6. The diagnosis is usually made after 26 weeks gestation, and 50% will develop other gastrointestinal complications such as volvulus, atresia, bowel perforation or meconium peritonitis.
Meconium peritonitis is a chemical peritonitis resulting from intraperitoneal leakage of meconium and digestive enzymes secondary to a bowel perforation in utero. In contrast to meconium ileus, only 25-40% of meconium peritonitis is secondary to cystic fibrosis7. Foster et al8 however reviewed 19 cases of meconium peritonitis prenatally detected and found that only 10% of the patients actually had cystic fibrosis. They concluded, therefore, that prenatally diagnosed cases of meconium peritonitis may be less frequently associated with cystic fibrosis than previously suggested. The peritonitis is sterile but causes an intense inflammatory reaction which can actually seal the perforation spontaneously. As the inflammation progresses, calcifications begin to occur. The ultrasound findings are variable and depend, in part, on the extent of the perforation and the resultant inflammation. Typical ultrasound findings include peritoneal calcifications (most common), meconium pseudocyst, ascites, bowel dilatation and polyhydramnios. The peritoneal calcifications are usually linear and occur at the peritoneal edge.
The meconium pseudocyst is actually a walled-off mass surrounded by a rim of calcification which can be visualized by ultrasound. The development of ascites is due to the intense inflammation, and bowel dilatation is the result of the obstructive process. Polyhydramnios presumably occurs secondary to impaired fetal swallowing.
Prenatal diagnosis
The cystic fibrosis gene and its major mutations have recently been identified. Prior to this identification, prenatal diagnosis was made by DNA analysis with either haplotype or linkage analysis or by intestinal microvillar enzyme activity. The major cystic fibrosis mutation is the DF508 which accounts for 76% of the mutations known to occur in North American caucasian cystic fibrosis patients. At least 130 additional mutations have been identified. Most centers screen between 6-12 of the most frequent mutations, and these identify approximately 85% of cystic fibrosis cases in caucasians. It is important to realize that at least 15% of caucasian and a higher percentage of noncaucasian cystic fibrosis patients will not be identified by gene mutation and therefore will need further testing with alternative methods. Linkage analysis of tightly linked markers, in addition to haplotype analysis can also be utilized. Analysis of intestinal microvillar enzymes in the amniotic fluid can be used for diagnosis. Reduced levels of intestinal enzyme activity are found in cystic fibrosis patients6. Low levels can also be found in patients with a chromosomal abnormality and rarely, in normal patients. The enzyme activity is gestational age dependent and the reliability of the test is optimal at 17-18 weeks gestation. The false positive rate can be as high as 4-6%, therefore the test is better utilized in pregnancies at high risk for cystic fibrosis, rather than as a screening tool. After birth, traditional methods such as the sweat test can be performed if necessary in order to make a definitive diagnosis.
Our case posed an interesting diagnostic dilemma for a variety of reasons–the early presentation of GI complications of cystic fibrosis, coupled with the negative family history and the additional pathology of a twin-twin transfusion syndrome. The changing dynamics in the amniotic fluid volumes can be explained by the interaction between the two pathologies, the cystic fibrosis and the twin-twin transfusion syndrome. This case also indicates that meconium peritonitis can occur as early as 13 weeks gestation, can be detected by ultrasound and can represent early manifestations of cystic fibrosis.
1. McKusick V: Mendelian inheritance in man. 9th edition. John Hopkins Univ Press 1990. p1120.
2. Shepherd RW, Cleghorn GJ: Cystic Fibrosis: Nutritional and Intestinal Disorders, Boca Raton, Fla, CRC Press, 1989, p 76.
3. Papp Z, Toth Z, Szabo M, et al.: Early prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis by ultrasound. Clin Genet 28: 356-358, 1985.
4. Leonidas JC, Berdon WE, Baker DH, et al.: Meconium ileus and its complications: A reappraisal of plain film diagnostic criteria. AJR 108:598-609, 1970.
5. Fakhry J, Reiser M, Shapiro LR, et al.: Increased echogenicity in the lower fetal abdomen: a common normal variant in the second trimester. J Ultrasound Med 5:489-492, 1986.
6. Muller F, Aubry MC, Gasser B, et al.: Prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis II. Meconium ileus in affected fetuses. Prenat Diagn 5:109-117, 1985.
7. Park RW, Grand RJ: Gastrointestinal manifestations of cystic fibrosis: A review. Gastroenterology 81:1143-61, 1981.
8. Foster MA, Nyberg DA, Mahony BS, et al: Meconium peritonitis: prenatal sonographic findings and their clinical significance. Radiology 165:661-5, 1987.