Conjoined twins, omphalopagus

S. Manohar, MD, DMRD


Case report

This is a case of the monoamniotic monochorionic conjoined twins diagnosed at 14 weeks of gestation. Twins had fused abdominal wall, sharing liver and urinary bladder, so called omphalopagus. Urinary bladder was distended with dilated urethra. Fetal hearts were separate, one of them with bradycardia. Upper extremities were separated, of normal appearance. Lower extremities were separated but very short, rudimentary.

Images 1,2: Image 1 shows a sagittal view of the conjoined twins, note separate heads and shared liver and bladder. Image 2 shows a 3-D image of the twins.


Images 3,4: Transverse view of the dilated bladder.


: Video of the conjoined twins, omphalopagus, note separate hearts. Heart rhythm of the top twin is abnormal, bradycardia.

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