Images similar to those in fig 1 and 2.
3D ultrasound has not demonstrated up to the moment significant (objective) difference with bidimensional ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis. One of the reasons for that is that while we scan the fetus in realtime two dimension we make the 3D reconstruction in our brain of what we are scanning. We easily recognize what we have already seen in books, journals or in our own experience. But what is difficult for us is to reconstruct what we have never seen before and this is the area where 3D can help. Also this is the type of anomalies where 3D reconstruction can help explain to parents what is the condition of their child
The actual technology gives us a great ultrasound image quality, the possibility of 3D reconstruction and lot of software that can be use to save, modify or send images by electronic mail.
Some pathologies are so uncommon that are difficult to understand in two-dimension ultrasound. Probably 3D will help in some of these cases. The present electronic mail let us send images all over the world for consultation. Yet all the technology that nowadays help us, can not replace the knowledge of prenatal pathology
Synonyms: Synotia – agnathia – melotia
Definition: This is a craniofacial syndrome with a constellation of findings consistent with symmetrically deficient development of the first branchial arch. Characteristically, those affected have ventrally displaced ears, microstomia, and an atrophic to absent mandible. Secondary to oropharyngeal incompetence, ventilatory difficulties typically lead to the imminent death of these infants shortly after birth.
The syndrome can occur alone, or in association with holoprosencephaly (when it is then called agnathia-holoprosencephaly)
Etiology: Unknown
Diagnosis by ultrasound: This condition should be suspected when is impossible to visualize the jaw and the ears are seen in a very low position. Others finding include: absent ears, dysplastic ears, low set ears, hypertelorism, prominent eyes, proboscis, blepharospasm, choanal atresia /stenosis, absent mandible, cleft palate, absent or hypoplastic tongue.
Associated anomalies: include Holoprosencephaly, Neural tube defects, Cephaloceles, Hypoplastic tongue, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Cardiac anomalies, Adrenal hypoplasia
Differential diagnosis: include Esophageal atresia (polyhydramnios), Treacher – Collins syndrome and many others with micrognathia
Prognosis: incompatible with life in most of the cases
Management: As this pathology is associated with polyhydramnios, obstetrical care will require therapeutic amniocentesis in some cases.
See also: Agnathia-holoprosencephaly