A healthy woman, G2 P1, was referred to our antenatal unit at 32 weeks of her uncomplicated pregnancy.
The ultrasound examination showed bilateral cyst located along the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles. Lateral ventricles measured 7 mm in width. The corpus callosum was present but seemed thin.
Serological testing for TORCH was negative. Amniocentesis showed normal karyotype.
The fetal MRI examination confirmed the ultrasound findings. The frontal horns of the lateral ventricles appeared dilated. Axial, parasagittal and coronal views showed bilateral cyst located lateral to the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles.
There were no other brain anomalies described on the MRI.
Our diagnosis based on the ultrasound and MRI findings was subependymal pseudocysts.
Birth weight was 2200 grams. The brains scan performed on the day 4 confirmed subependymal pseudocysts or periventricular pseudocyst. The corpus callosum was thin. There were no other associated anomalies. Baby is six months old at the moment and is doing fine.
Images 1,2: Sagittal view of the brain showing corpus callosum. Image 2 shows an axial view, the cavum septum pellucidum is enlarged, subependymal cysts (*) are on both sides along the cavum.