Hospital Central Universitario “Antonio María Pineda”; Barquisimeto – Estado Lara, Venezuela.
Case report
A 24-year-old patient was referred to our unit at 27 weeks of pregnancy because of a polyhydramnios. Our ultrasound evaluation showed the followings findings:
Severe dilatation of the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart with a thickened, echogenic, and poorly contractible wall of the left ventricle (endocardial fibroelastosis);
The mitral valve was insufficient (demonstrated by the color and pulsed Doppler) and a very little blood flow entering the left ventricle was seen during the diastole;
The aortic valve was thickened and echogenic and a reverse flow in the aortic arch was demonstrated using color and pulsed Doppler. The Doppler trace of the image 6 shows anterograde flow which correspond to the blood flow in the pulmonary artery and a retrograde blood flow in the aortic arch. This demonstrates the anomaly is a ductus arteriosus dependent cardiopathy.
The final diagnosis was critical aortic stenosis.
Images 1, 2: The images show a mitral valve insufficiency demonstrating by the color (image 1) and pulsed (image 2) Dopplers.