Vladimir Lemaire (United States) - 10 Cases
Dr. Lemaire not only answered 9 cases correctly, but also contributed a COW this year. Thank you so much for your contribution! In his words:
"I am originally from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where I practiced medicine for 10 years, I was introduced to ObGyn ultrasound by Drs Lisbet Hanson and Jean Edgard Aupont. I was immediately fascinated by this amazing tool. I currently live in the United States where I work as a Maternal Fetal Medicine Sonographer and a Consultant for GE.
Throughout the years, I have been blessed to cross paths with great mentors such as Drs Philippe Jeanty, Jean-Claude Fouron, Enrico Ferrazzi, Alfred Abuhamad, Elena Sinkovskaya and Tamara Stampalija.
When I am not reading about prenatal diagnosis, I enjoy spending time with my family, listening to music (classical, gospel or jazz), and going to the movie theater.
I am honored to be among the top winners for this year. Thank you Cerine for carrying out your father’s legacy."