Gabinete De Ultrasonido Diagnostico, San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. Universidad Autonoma De Morelos - Division De Posgrado. Instituto Mexicano De Diagnostico Por Imagen. I. M. D. I. Campus - Guerrero - Veracruz - Mexico.
This is a 19-year-old woman with unremarkable history scanned at 24+6 weeks of gestational age. The ultrasound investigation revealed anencephaly. These are some of the images we obtained.
Images 1, 2. 2D ultrasonography at 25th week of pregnancy. Image 1 shows the coronal plane through fetal orbits with missing forehead above; Image 2 shows parasagittal scan through the fetal skull with characteristic anencephalic profile of the fetus (missing brain and cranial vault).