* Department of Gynecology, Intercommunal Hospital ** Department of Gynecology, Hôpital FÊlix Guyon, Saint-Denis, Reunion Island, France
This is a 19-year-old primigravida. Her the first scan performed at 13 weeks revealed an omphalocele and a large abdominal cyst. The nuchal translucency was normal. The inferior limbs did not show movements during the scan. There was also a pyelectasis. The bladder was present and it seemed normal. The patient was referred to our unit at 14 weeks. There was no cardiac activity. The placenta was normal. There was an overlapping of the brain sutures. A amniotic band was suspected associated with the omphalocele. An interruption of pregnancy was performed. The amniotic band syndrome and the omphalocele were confirmed. The karyotype was normal.
Note the omphalocele