Figure 4: Posterior, lateral and anterior view of the fetus.
This case illustrates the sonographic diagnosis of near total amelia in the second trimester. Gross absence of the fetal limbs and the possibility of a left lower extremity limb bud was demonstrated on ultrasound. In addition, the spine was viewed as being abnormally curved, and these findings were confirmed at delivery and autopsy. Micrognathia was not diagnosed prenatally because fetal positioning during the ultrasound examination did not allow adequate visualization of the fetal face.
Limb buds first appear during the third week of gestation with the upper limb buds appearing a few days before the lower limb buds. Complete absence of one or more limbs occurs prior to the eighth week of gestation1.
Failure of formation of the limb primordia during early embryogenesis may be secondary to vascular, mechanical, or teratogenic exposure3,4 with complete absence of one or more limbs occurring prior to the eighth week of gestation1. Although the teratogenic potential of Thalidomide® has been well documented, the spontaneous occurrence of amelia and limb reduction defects in the general population is rare2,5. Most cases have no specific etiology, but some are seen in association with genetically transmitted disorders such as Robert"s syndrome6 and in families7.
Associated anomalies
Numerous anomalies have been associated with amelia. The findings of kyphoscoliosis and rib fusions in this case are consistent with other cases of amelia described in the literature8‑10.
The presence of other associated anomalies affects neonatal morbidity and mortality. Infant death is reported to occur in up to 61% of cases complicated by amelia1.
This is based on the gestational age at the time of diagnosis with pregnancy termination being an option prior to viability. Cesarean section is reserved for obstetrical indications. Intra-amniotic prostaglandin F2a was utilized uneventfully for pregnancy termination in this case.
1. Froster-Iskenius UG, Baird PA. Amelia: Incidence and associated defects in a large population. Teratology 41:23-31, 1990.
2. Ohdo-S; Madokoro-H; Sonoda-T; et al. Association of tetra-amelia, ectodermal dysplasia, hypoplastic lacrimal ducts and sacs opening towards the exterior, peculiar face, and developmental retardation. J Med Genet. 24:609-12, 1987.
3. Pauli-RM; Feldman-PF; Major limb malformations following intrauterine exposure to ethanol: two additional cases and literature review. Teratology. 33:273-80, 1986.
4. MilaireJ; Histological changes induced in developing limb buds of C57BL mouse embryos submitted in utero to the combined influence of acetazolamide and cadmium sulphate. Teratology 32:433-51,1985.
5. Mastroiacovo P, Kallen B, Knudsen LB, Lancaster PA, Castilla EE, Mutchinick O, Robert E. Absence of limbs and gross body wall defects: An epidemiological study of related rare malformation conditions. Teratology 46:455-64, 1992.
6. Gershoni-Baruch R, Drugan A, Bronshtein M, Zimmer EZ. Roberts syndrome or "X-linked amelia� Am J Med Genet 37:569-72, 1990.
7. Zimmer-EZ; Taub-E; Sova-Y; Divon-MY; Pery-M; Peretz-BA; Tetra-amelia with multiple malformations in six male fetuses of one kindred. Eur J Pediatr. 144:412-4, 1985.
8. Herring-JA; Goldberg-MJ; Amelia and scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop. 5:605-9 , 1985.
9. Powers-TA; Haher-TR; Devlin-VJ; Spencer-D; Millar EA; Abnormalities of the spine in relation to congenital upper limb deficiencies. J Pediatr Orthop 3:471-4, 1983.
10.Nel-G; Du-Toit-G ;Congenital upper limb anomalies and scoliosis. S Afr Med J 63:893-5, 1983.