Adrenal hemorrhage

Fabrice Cuillier, MD

Department of Gynecology, FĂ©lix Guyon Hospital, 97400 Saint-Denis, Ile de la RĂ©union, France.

Case report

Following images show a case of fetal adrenal hemorrhage diagnosed at 26 weeks of a pregnancy (Images 1-6). Inhomogeneous, partially anechoic, avascular structure was present in the region of the left adrenal gland. The patient was examined at 32 weeks again (Images 7, 8) and the mass had decreased in size. Amniocentesis was also done and revealed normal karyotype.

Two differential diagnoses came into consideration: neuroblastoma and hematoma of the adrenal gland. The baby was born at term and its postnatal course and examinations (adrenal tests, coagulation parameters) were normal. Six months after delivery the baby is asymptomatic and is doing well. Our final diagnosis was hemorrhage in the left adrenal gland.

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: 26 weeks; the images show an inhomogeneous, partially anechoic, avascular structure was present in the region of the left adrenal gland.


Images 7, 8: 32 weeks; the mass within the left adrenal gland had decreased in size. 


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