Acrania, two cases

Oleksiy Solovyov, MD

"Nadiya" - Clinic of Reproductive Medicine, Andrijivskyj uzviz, 28A, 01025 Kyiv, Ukraine.

Following images show a case of acrania diagnosed at 9 weeks + 0 days of gestational age of a pregnancy after in vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection of a 34-year-old woman. For comparison similar images of the same gestational age of normal embryos are presented next to the abnormal images.

Case one

Images 1, 2: Coronal and sagittal scans of embryos at 9 weeks. The image one represents a normal embryo; the image 2 represents the embryo with acrania.


Images 3, 4: Longitudinal and transverse transvaginal scans of embryonic heads at 9 weeks of pregnancy. The image 3 represents a normal embryo; the image 4 represents the embryo with acrania.


Image 5: Longitudinal and transverse transabdominal scans of the embryonic head with acrania at 9 weeks of pregnancy.


Image 6: 3D images showing lateral views of embryos at 9 weeks. The left part represents a normal embryo; the right part represents the embryo with acrania.


Image 7: 3D images showing frontal views of embryos at 9 weeks. The left part represents a normal embryo; the right part represents the embryo with acrania.


Image 8, 9: The images show M-mode detection of the heart rates of the embryos at 9 weeks. The image 8 represents a normal embryo (heart rate 182 bpm); the image 9 represents the embryo with acrania (heart rate 194 bpm).


Case two

Following images show a case of acrania diagnosed at 12 weeks and 3 days o gestational age of a 25-year-old woman.

Image 10: Coronal and sagittal scans of the fetal head with acrania.


Image 11: The image shows two different transverse scans of the fetal head with acrania.


Image 12, 13: 3D images of the fetal head with acrania.


Image 14, 15: 3D images of the fetal head with acrania.



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